Head of the department of "Health Policy and Management" -Turdaliyeva Botagoz Saitovna - MD, DM, Associate professor.
Turdalieva Botagoz Saitovna is Deputy Director of the School of Public Health named after Kh.Dosmuhamedov, Director of the Center of Evidence-Based Medicine of KazNMU, team leader for the development of fundraising at the university.
Doctoral dissertation on the theme: «Evidence-based approaches to prevention of chronic diseases in modern conditions» in the specialty 14.00.33 — Public health and health care.
Under her supervision are protected Ph.D., master’s thesis, is currently the director of doctoral dissertations and master’s degree in public health.
She has more than 60 publications, including peer-reviewed international journals, 12 books, a certificate of authorship.
Employees of the Department
Employees of the Department
Akanov Aikan Akanovich — MD, DM, professor
Duysekeev Amangeldy Duysekeevich — MD, DM, professor
Tulebayev Kazbek Agabylovich -MD, DM, professor
Ivanchenko Nelly Nikolaevna – MD, PhD, Associate professor of the Department
Aimbetova Gulshara Ergazyevna — MD, PhD, director of studies at the Department of Postgraduate Education
Ramazanova Manshuk Anerovna — Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies Department at undergraduate
Koshimbekov Murat Koshimbekovich — MD, DM, Associate professor of the Department,
Shegirbaeva Karlygash Baydullaevna — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department,
Abdukayumova Umitzhan Asylbekovna — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department,
Kashafutdinova Gulzhahan Temirbolatovna — Senior Lecturer
Musaev Bakyt Almasbekovna — Lecturer,
Zhunistaeva Zhadyra Korikbaevna — Lecturer,
Urazaeva Ulpan Amangeldievna — Lecturer,
Zhumabeva Kuralay Zhumabaevna — Lecturer,
Igesenova Alfia Imangalievna — Lecturer,
Sagyndykova Zarina Ravilevna — Lecturer,
Aidaraliev Aizhan Beimbetovna — senior laboratory,
Musabayev Bolzhan Abdikarimovna — laboratory.
Educational activities.
The Department provides educational services for pre- and postgraduate level.
At postgraduate level, trains graduate students the following specialties: 6M110100 — Medical 6M110200 — Public Health, 6M110300 — Nursing, 6M110400 — Pharmacy,6M110500 — Health-care business, Ph doctoral students majoring 6D110200 — Public health, and residents.
At the undergraduate level department trains students 2, 3, 5 courses of the faculties of general medicine, pharmacy, public health nursing full-time, extramural students in Kazakh, Russian and English in the following disciplines: «Principles of evidence-based medicine», «Strengthening of Health and disease prevention, «» Fundamentals of health Policy and Management «,»Organization of GPs «,» Hospital management «,» Management of health services ‘,’ laws of health».
The main disciplines that are taught at the Department of postgraduate level is: Health Policy and Management, health promotion and social science, strategic planning in health care, operational management, evidence-based medicine, medical statistics in health care and pharmacy, public health, management of health services management, quality of care, planning and organization of research and new organizational approaches to create a unified national health system.
The department also conducts training for representatives of practical public health in cycles «Effective management of health care organizations in the PVC», «Nursing Management», «Health Care Management.»
Research activities
The department is engaged in research work and is responsible for implementing the study of epidemiological unit of scientific and technical program «Development of a model anti-aging active in ensuring longevity of the elderly» (2010-2011) as part of the «Concept of development of medical science at the Kazakh National Medical University. S.D Asfendiyarov 2009-2012».
Actively developing scientific field among young scientists. Only in 2011, attending the department approved the research topics of dissertations on various aspects and important areas of public health, including 17 graduate students of 2nd year students, 3PhD students of 2nd year study, 6 graduate students of 1st year students and 6 doctoral PhD 1 second year of study.
Community Activities.
The department is actively engaged in social activities, conducts many workshops at the university, national and international levels.
Thus, in order to enhance the educational process, development of international partnerships and increased interaction with the medical universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, activities include:
From 30 November to 4 December 2009, the Department held an international seminar for graduate students and faculty entitled «Management in Public health and Evidence-based medicine» (management of public health and evidence-based medicine), inviting teachers from Israel Aviv Zohar — Director of Nursing of Internal, Geriatric and Cardiology division, Kaplan Medical Center and Ella Muler — Director of Nursing, Oncology and Hematology, Rambam Health Care Campus.
Each year, members of the department in conjunction with the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, School of Public Health named after Kh.Dosmuhamedov organize and conduct the International Winter School «Actual issues of public health» for senior students of KazNMU and other medical schools. In 2009, in Winter School took medical students of Kazakhstan (JSC «Medical University — Astana», Karagandy State Medical Academy, Semey State Medical Academy, West — Kazakhstan Medical Academy. M. Ospanov South — Kazakhstan State Medical Academy).Students are lectured National Academy of Sciences of RK T.Sh.Sharmanov, Academician of RAMS V.Z Kucherenko (Russia), Prof. T.S Meimanaliev (Kyrgyzstan), Prof. M.K Kulzhanov, Professor A.A. Akanov, Professor K.A Tulebaev, Professor M.Asimov, Professor U.I. Kenessary, Professor T.K. Rakhypbekov and other experts in the field of public health.
The second annual International Winter School «Actual issues of public health: strengthening and maintaining the health of young people» was conducted from January 24 to January 28, 2011 for students of 4th and 5th year courses from the medical universities of the country, as well as the University of «Turan». Opening of the Second Annual International Winter School «Actual issues of public health: building and maintaining the health of young people» tooks place in the Hall of Fame. The opening of the Winter School attended Rector of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov — Professor Akanov A.A, academician Sharmanov T.Sh. — President of «The Academy of Food, UNICEF Representative in Kazakhstan — Hanaa Singer, a spokesman USAID, Public Health Advisor — Larisa Mori, Regional Project Director USAID «Qualitative Health» — Barton Smith, Deputy Director General NCPHLSD — MD Karzhaubaeva SH.E., chief medical officer GTSRCH — Myrzabekova G.T, chief medical officer City student clinic — Kuanysheva S.H, chief medical officer of the city polyclinic № 10 — Musabaeva A.A
The Department of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine, School of Public Health named after Kh.Dosmuhamedov for master’s students, doctoral students and young scientists organizes and conducts the annual International Summer School «Selected problems of public health» with domestic and foreign scholars in the field of public health. In 2009, the annual International Summer School on the theme: «The modern hospital management. Patient safety: infection control in hospitals. Patients’ rights«. Specifically to attend the Summer School invited Professor Sim Sang Tiang (Parkway College, Singapore), which held a master class and highlighted the following questions: «Health and Wealth», «Human Resource Management in Health Care», «The accreditation standards for hospitals», » Health systems in Singapore «, etc. The meeting was attended by 16 teachers of KazNMU named after S.DAsfendiyarov, 13 undergraduates a year, nine graduate 2 year, 3 graduate from Graduate School of Public Health.
Second Annual International Summer School, held a 6-11 June 2011., Went on: «Selected problems of public health. Quality care — key to sustainable development in health care«, marking the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The summer school held with the participation of an international organization USAID. The main topics in the Summer School: the quality of medical services, the role of evidence-based medicine to ensure the quality of care.
The Department organizes and conducts international seminars on the program «Visiting Professors».
From June 27 to July 8, 2011. seminar «Management Research: Design Research» with an invitation to the following international experts:
• Gimmelfarb Yuri E. — a specialist regional branch of the Ministry of Health (Mr. Rehovot, Israel);
• Michael Kagansky — Director of Emergency Care in Geriatric Hospital Herzfeld (Israel);
• Zohar Aviv — Director of Geriatric cardiology department and the Medical Center ‘Kaplan’ (city of Rehovot, Israel).
Welcoming remarks were made rector of KazNMU named after S.DAsfendiyarov, Professor A.A Akanov and Director of the School of Public Health. Kh. Dosmukhamedov of KazNMU, Professor K.A Tulebayev.
From 19 September to 13 October 2011 a seminar on the course «Statistics», with Dzhusupov K. — PhD, a specialist in the management of grant programs TEMPUS.
From September 14 to September 27, 2011. a seminar on «Management of hospital work: Health care financing and health insurance.» Lectures, workshops and consultations held Jacob Zilberg-leading expert and organizer of the hospital business in Israel.
From October 3 to October 8, 2011 held a seminar on «Health Care Reforms in the world and the views of WHO, and the reforms in a comparative perspective» involving MD, professor, a member of WHO — Meymanaliev Tilek.
On October 19 and October 25, conducts international seminars for undergraduates, doctoral students, the faculty of the University, representatives from other medical universities and representatives from health care on «Foundations of clinical research at medical institutions», «Fundamentals of nursing ethics», «Gerontology».
The topics today in all developed countries are very relevant for public health organizers, and for professionals working in the field of science and education, including the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inviting leading scholars from other countries allowed creating a rich program of exchange of scientific knowledge in the field of management research, the design of research projects in the field of public health and public health.
In the future department plans to expand the program «Visiting Professors» in order to enhance the educational process of gaining new scientific knowledge and exchange of experience in public health and research.