«Тілдарын – 2012» Olympiad

Foreign languages department

For realizing a cultural project “Triunity of languages” and trilingual teaching conception, worked out in KazNMU there was arranged «Тілдарын – 2012» Olympiad together with the state language development sector among the students of the 1st and 2nd courses of “General medicine”, “Stomatology”, “Pharmacy” faculties (responsible teachers: are associated prof. Suleimenova O.Ya., senior teacher Sadykova A.A.).

«Тілдарын – 2012» Olympiad included 2 stages: the 1st stage was oral interview in Kazakh, Russian and English languages and the 2nd stage was a presentation on the theme: “My future profession”. All participants of the Olympiad were creative in performing their tasks, they gave information rich in content and made presentations in fluent Kazakh, Russian and English languages. All of them showed their oratorical abilities and the best slides, photos and other informational materials in presentation of the theme.

The participants were greeted by rector of the university, prof.Akanov A.A., head of state language development sector Abdizhadilkyzy Zh., head of foreign languages chair, associated prof. Suleimenova O.Ya.

There were announced the winners of the Olympiad:

Grand prize – Aryzbekova Aliya , a student of group 12-024 (1), GM  faculty.

Ist place – Kym Yun Dzhu, a student of group 11-007 (1), stom. faculty.

IInd place – Alikhan Rafat, a student of group 11-037(2) , GM  faculty.

IInd place – Kozhabayeva Madina,a student of group 12-034 (2), GM  faculty.

IIIrd place – Bolatkyzy Asel, a student of group 12-043(1), GM  faculty.

IIIrd place – Kaliullayev Berik, a student of group 12-041 (1), GM  faculty.

IIIrd place – Altynbekova Akdana, a student of group 11-006 (1), stom. faculty.


Senior teacher :Sadykova A.A.

Optional lesson on the theme: “We remember them!” was arranged at the department of foreign languages

Optional lesson on the theme: “We remember them!” was arranged at the department of foreign languages by teachers Mezgilbayeva Z.M., Ultanbekova Z.T.in groups №11-038 (1,2), 10-012 (1) of General Medicine and in curator groups № 10-048, 10-049, 10-050 of General Medicine.

The aim of the lesson: upbringing the youth in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism, respect of the older generation.

Programme of the optional lesson included:

1. History of the Great Patriotic War

2. Documentary films showing

3. Discussing the films

After the lesson the students of these groups and teachers laid a  wreath to the monument of the KazNMU War heroes Manshuk Mametova and Vladimir Ivanilin.

Modern student. What qualities does he possess?

Competition on the theme: “Modern student. What qualities does he possess?” was arranged at the department of foreign languages by senior teachers Biktasheva G.M., Unasbayeva G.A.

Group №  11-044 (1,2) of General medicine, captain Umirkhanova A. groups  №  11-051, 11-052 of General medicine, captain Abdimanap A. participated in it. Student of group № 10-043 of General medicine Smagina J. was the leader of the competition.

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The optional lesson on the theme “Let`s talk about love”

The optional lesson on the theme: “Let`s talk about love” was held at the department of foreign languages with the group 11-034 (1,2) General Medicine faculty. (Responsible teachers: Ibragimova A.M., Zhumagulova K.Zh.) The aim of the lesson is to introduce students with Kazakh and English writers’. Students role played the scene from Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”. Student’s took active participations in reading sonnets, prepared, national costumes for the scenes.

Traditions and customs of Kazakh people

The teachers of foreign languages department has conducted optional lesson on the theme «Traditions and customs of Kazakh people» with the groups 11-022-2GMk, 11-012-2GMk.

The aim of the lesson: to introduce students to the history of Kazakh customs of people, that our Kazakh people were originally nomadic people, also to teach patriotism and respect our traditions.

Поисковые слова::

Holding the optional lesson “Traditions of German people”

The optional lesson “Traditions of German people” was held on the 14th of March, 2012 at the department of foreign languages in group № 11-007 of General Medicine faculty (responsible: senior teacher Elenova A.K., teacher Turumbayeva R.R.) aimed at acquaintance students with cultural traditions of German people, extension of students’ mental outlook and world-view, forming intercultural communication.

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Department of foreign languages

Department of foreign languages was founded in 1934. Kenesbayev Smet Kenesbayevich after graduating from the Leningrad oriental institute on specialty “Linguist-ethnographer” was the first to head the department of foreign languages.

At different years there worked the following heads of this department as: Kurmangaliyev G.I. (1938-1940), Pogrebinskaya T.I. (1940-1950), Shvedova Ye.G. (1951-1966), Kurmanov M.Sh. (1966-1974), Issayeva R.F. (1974-1975), Issabekova Sh.I. (1976-1987), Abdygapparova S.K. (1987-1995), Kesheleva K.T. (1995-1998). From 1998y. by the decision of the university Academic council the department of Russian language with a course of common theoretic disciplines and department of foreign languages with a course of Latin language were united into one department . Tlegenova S.Ye. was appointed a head of this department (1998-2006).

Nowadays the department is headed by Suleimenova Oran Yakhmetovna, an excellent worker of RK Public Health, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, a member of RK association of German teachers.

In 2011-2012 academic year a staff of the department includes 29 workers, of them 1 assistant professor, 8 senior teachers, 20 teachers and 4 laboratorians. English and German teachers of

At the department  the students of the 1st and 2nd courses of all faculties, and also mastership students and residents are taught English and German languages.

Many experienced teachers as assistant professor Suleimenova O.Ya., senior teachers Sadykova A.A., Sagantayeva S.Kh., Biktasheva G.M., Yelenova A.K., Lozenko I.V. , Unasbayeva G.A., Mezgilbayeva Z.M., Bayanbayeva A.A., teachers Ultanbekova Z.T., Kaibaldiyeva B.M., Bizhanova A.A. and others who give the students all their knowledge, work at the department.

The teachers of the department take part in the methodic, scientific research and educational work. There were edited the Standard program on foreign languages for the students of High medical schools, a methodic textbook on German phonetics for medical students, a German textbook for the 1st year medical students studying in Russian and Kazakh, an English textbook for students-stomatologists, an English textbook for students-pharmaceutists and chemists-technologists, a textbook for students-pharmaceutists on self-studying German language.

The great interest both as for students and teachers have meetings with famous scientists – doctors, interesting people, representatives of different educational programmes such as fund “Soros — Kazakhstan”, management of Gete Institute, training, holding by professor from Keniya on the problems of AIDS, meeting with representatives of the American embassy on the problems of studying abroad, managers of international programmes “Bolashak”, representatives of educational programme in Germany DAAD, with scholars from Canada, America, Japan studying on President’s programme. The participants of meetings made their speeches in the English and German languages.

Special interest and motivation to learning foreign languages at students have optional lessons holding in the forms of debates, discussions, trainings: “New generation of medical students”, “New educational programmes”, “The Leader of the 21st century”, “Learning official and international languages”.

Country studying aspect is a compulsory component of all types of out of class activity. Contests: “Do you know Great Britain?”, “Traditions and customs of English and German speaking countries”, “Do you know about German speaking countries?”, “Deutsch im Herzen” – these activities are planning as organic continuation of classes and practical realization of given skills and habits at lessons on foreign languages.

The demonstrative optional lessons “Famous universities of Europe”, “Welcome to Great Britain” about history of famous European universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Sorbon are carried out at the department.

There is a tradition on the department of holding literary soirees in the English and German languages: “Thinker poet-writer-playwright-F. Shiller and Gete”, “World legends”, “Symbolism of O. Wilde’s creative work”, “Romanticism in J.G. Byron’s creative work”, contests of songs in English, German, French, Japanese, Turkish and other languages.

All activities of educational character are of great importance, they are held in state and foreign languages, contribute to the enlargement of students’ outlook, develop their creative abilities and raise their interest for learning foreign languages.

There is a tendency to organization of new types of educational work, such as discussions, debates, briefings, trainings, intellectual games.

There was worked out EMCD on SCSE-2006 for the students of the 1st, 2nd   courses of all faculties to introduce the   credit educational technologies.

Every year the teachers improve their qualification on methods of foreign languages teaching and innovative technologies.at the Institute of quality improvement of Kazakh university of  international relations and world languages   named after Al-Farabi.

All teachers improved their specialization on information technology, psychology, Kazakh language on the base of KazNMU.

The teachers of the department carry out numerous scientific-research works. For the last three years    more than 670 scientific articles were   published on methods of foreign language teaching in medical high schools. The teachers of the chair take an active participation   in the work of International and Republican conferences of KazNMU, KazSACA.  Participants   of SSC translate scientific article, reviews, annotations, summaries and etc. together with their teachers. Students have prepared more than 40 reports in foreign languages under the guidance of their teachers.

Educational work is carried out as follows:

  • Patriotic, international;
  • Spiritual-moral;
  • Legal;
  • Popularization of healthy mode of life.

Optional lessons under the title:”Meнің елім-Менің жерім», «Ана тілің-арың бұл»,”My motherland is Kazakhstan” are conducted for   the popularization of state language.   Within the framework of KazNMU three languages teaching program of the University  Olympiad “Tілдарын” is traditionally carried out in order to  develop  language competence in students, increase their interest and motivation for learning Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.