«Тілдарын – 2012» Olympiad

Foreign languages department

For realizing a cultural project “Triunity of languages” and trilingual teaching conception, worked out in KazNMU there was arranged «Тілдарын – 2012» Olympiad together with the state language development sector among the students of the 1st and 2nd courses of “General medicine”, “Stomatology”, “Pharmacy” faculties (responsible teachers: are associated prof. Suleimenova O.Ya., senior teacher Sadykova A.A.).

«Тілдарын – 2012» Olympiad included 2 stages: the 1st stage was oral interview in Kazakh, Russian and English languages and the 2nd stage was a presentation on the theme: “My future profession”. All participants of the Olympiad were creative in performing their tasks, they gave information rich in content and made presentations in fluent Kazakh, Russian and English languages. All of them showed their oratorical abilities and the best slides, photos and other informational materials in presentation of the theme.

The participants were greeted by rector of the university, prof.Akanov A.A., head of state language development sector Abdizhadilkyzy Zh., head of foreign languages chair, associated prof. Suleimenova O.Ya.

There were announced the winners of the Olympiad:

Grand prize – Aryzbekova Aliya , a student of group 12-024 (1), GM  faculty.

Ist place – Kym Yun Dzhu, a student of group 11-007 (1), stom. faculty.

IInd place – Alikhan Rafat, a student of group 11-037(2) , GM  faculty.

IInd place – Kozhabayeva Madina,a student of group 12-034 (2), GM  faculty.

IIIrd place – Bolatkyzy Asel, a student of group 12-043(1), GM  faculty.

IIIrd place – Kaliullayev Berik, a student of group 12-041 (1), GM  faculty.

IIIrd place – Altynbekova Akdana, a student of group 11-006 (1), stom. faculty.


Senior teacher :Sadykova A.A.

10 Kazakhstan best undergraduates out of 10 thousand received the scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N. A.. Among them is 2nd year student of KAZNMU stand by S. D. Asfendiyarov, specialty of Medicine Myrzabekova Aygul.

On September 21, 2012 at the Eurasian National University the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Zhumagulov solemnly handed over certificates and breast badges to 10 owners of the Nazarbayevs scholarship.

10 best undergraduates out of 10 000 applicants of national higher educational institutions were selected by the Republican competitive commission of Ministry of Education and Science of  Republic of Kazakhstan for excellent progress and active public work, participation in scientific researches.

Handing over the scholarship to the most worthy undergraduates, the head of department noted that they become owners of the unique Nazarbayev’s  scholarship  founded only last year. It is a high sign of recognition, a sign of special attention.

Optional lesson on the theme: “We remember them!” was arranged at the department of foreign languages

Optional lesson on the theme: “We remember them!” was arranged at the department of foreign languages by teachers Mezgilbayeva Z.M., Ultanbekova Z.T.in groups №11-038 (1,2), 10-012 (1) of General Medicine and in curator groups № 10-048, 10-049, 10-050 of General Medicine.

The aim of the lesson: upbringing the youth in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism, respect of the older generation.

Programme of the optional lesson included:

1. History of the Great Patriotic War

2. Documentary films showing

3. Discussing the films

After the lesson the students of these groups and teachers laid a  wreath to the monument of the KazNMU War heroes Manshuk Mametova and Vladimir Ivanilin.

Modern student. What qualities does he possess?

Competition on the theme: “Modern student. What qualities does he possess?” was arranged at the department of foreign languages by senior teachers Biktasheva G.M., Unasbayeva G.A.

Group №  11-044 (1,2) of General medicine, captain Umirkhanova A. groups  №  11-051, 11-052 of General medicine, captain Abdimanap A. participated in it. Student of group № 10-043 of General medicine Smagina J. was the leader of the competition.

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The optional lesson on the theme “Let`s talk about love”

The optional lesson on the theme: “Let`s talk about love” was held at the department of foreign languages with the group 11-034 (1,2) General Medicine faculty. (Responsible teachers: Ibragimova A.M., Zhumagulova K.Zh.) The aim of the lesson is to introduce students with Kazakh and English writers’. Students role played the scene from Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”. Student’s took active participations in reading sonnets, prepared, national costumes for the scenes.

Conducting qualification upgrading courses on «Actual questions of management for organizations operating outside Unified National Health System»

According to the contract between the  DCP on RFM  » Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov» and the Ministry of  health on the basis of the school of public health named after H.Dosmukhamedov starting from April 2 up to November 2, 2012, training on health care management for chief medical officers and economists organizations operating outside UNHS, will be provided.

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Рубрика: News

Traditions and customs of Kazakh people

The teachers of foreign languages department has conducted optional lesson on the theme «Traditions and customs of Kazakh people» with the groups 11-022-2GMk, 11-012-2GMk.

The aim of the lesson: to introduce students to the history of Kazakh customs of people, that our Kazakh people were originally nomadic people, also to teach patriotism and respect our traditions.

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Department of Physical Training, Culture and Health

Рhysical training department was build in 1935. The first manager of the chair was Popov E.N. (1935—1938) Makarenko B.G. managed he chair in 1938-1940. In 1940 and 1952 years managed Gut A.G. after him in 1925 and 1973 years managed Seraliev M.S. In 1974 and 1980 years Ivanov L.P., 1981-1995 years Smirnov V.M. In 1996-2008 years docent Ryabcov Y.A. had been managing the chair.

In 1952-1973 years Seraliev M.S. was the manager of the chair the economical technical base were more strengthened. There built a hard athlete sport complex of about1200 square meter.  On the beach of Isstikkol there had been working the sport curative among 1951-1973 years. In summer there had a rest more man thousands of students and University employees. There were training the teachers of chair and more than 20 of sport masters from different kinds of sport, and candidate for sport master and thousands of 1, 2, 3, categories sportsman.

The Olympic champion Oleg Antropov (volleyball) and the captain of SSSR collection team Sergey Kotenko (swimm3ng ball) prides of the kazahh national medical university.

Many years at the chair there worked he veteran of the Great International was docent M.B. Brusilovski, head teacher A.P. Spivakina, head laboratory M.T. Kudryasheva.

Since 2008 years there have been working T.S. Bekbolatov as a manage of the chair. The sport masters taking part of the international level Olympic J.J. Satubaldin Sydney, Australia, in 2000 y. international level sport master   A.J. Imanbaev Greek-rim wrestling the honored coach of the chair Republic of Kazakhstan in 2008, worked at the chair as a prides of the chair.

Olympic Games main training A.P. Korotkii in Atlanta, USA 1996, Athens Greek 2004 on shooting. The national Olympic orders victor, merited coach 2008 of Republic of Kazakhstan in easy athlete.

There were professor-teachers group among the jour kinds of sport in Spartacus in 2009-2010 school year, for Kaz National Medical University 80-year RK.

Generally, the chairs work to stronger the students health, and training and by the sport instruments to make everybody healthy. There were scientific and methodic works. There made professional and using preparation of the facture doctors.

The manager of the chair of physical training, culture and health                                                                   Bekbolatov T.S.

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